My DumDum Monkey is now My totally OWNED sissy bitch dumdum monkey soon to be in lipstick, blush, and frillies! Lmao love it. After begging to call Me over & over at 50 dollars a minute My dumdum dolly monkey suddenly came up with the most excellent idea of giving Me all of his personal info for My Bad Girl’s Little Pink Book! Omg My PINKMAIL is the MOST!

In a fervor to binge spendy spend on Me with total abandon, My silly little dolly monkey has racked up nearly another $6000 DOLLARS spent on Me, bringing his current Grand Total Tally to over $16,000 DOLLARS!

Now dumdum’s wifeypoo has decided she wants them to get a new house so the mortgage company will be looking into their banking records, and My dumdum dolly monkey is super duper nervous about them seeing the HUGE amounts of CASH he has been spending on Me the past few months! All the more reason NOT to buy that new house dolly monkey!  I told you that was a bad idea, LMAO. What you should be doing is downsizing into a smaller apartment, and siphoning all of your available funds to spend on ME! NONE for YOU, NONE for WIFEY!! No house for you, ALL for ME!

Like omg My silly little dumdum dolly monkey totally KNOWS he can trust ME to do whatever I want with his information, in ways that benefit Me most. My dumdum dummy totally craves to be kept in check, in line and in order as My owned property, under My pretty little thumb where he belongs!

With all of this in mind, My silly little dolly monkey will be busy buying his first batch of flirty girly panties from Forever 21 and shopping for ruffle gaff panties and a chastity device – his very first assignment as My curly eyelashed, pink blushy cheeked, garish lipsticked circus monkey dumdum dummy in a frilly foofoo dress!

Omg My silly little dumdum dolly monkey, you answer to ME NOW, I am your BOSS, your Goddess, your Ruler, your OWNER, your RELIGION, Oh your Reason for Living!

Read all about My SILLY LITTLE dolly MONKEY, DUMDUM DUMMY here!