Although once again it’s only been a short time since his latest update My QUARTER MILLION DOLLAR PIGGY has been on a roll binge spendy spending on Me with total abandon!! With his goal to DOUBLE IT and spend HALF a MILLION DOLLARS on Me, the obsession to make ALL his MILLIONS MINE has completely taken over his mind!! And who can blame him?!

My lucky little handbag zombie had the privilege of paying for not one but TWO new furs just added to My Fine Fur Collection!

Financial Goddess Diamond Diva Princess, sheared mink fur

Then, I so very kindly allowed him the honour of paying $250 for a peek inside the fur wing of My walk-in closet and a glimpse at My very first SHEARED MINK!!

Galloping headlong toward that next tally marker of $300k on his way to HALF A MILL spent ALL on ME this update finds My Handbag Zombie spending another $16,650 on Me since last update bringing his current Grand Total Tally to $282,410!

I giggle glamorously and sound My Siren note in glee as I control the fortune of My MILLIONAIRE MINION $$$$$ Oh Yes$$$$ it ALL belongs to ME Handbag Zombie!!! LIQUIFY!! RELAPS$$$$$$$$$$E for ME! SECOND MORTGAGE, FAMILY JEWELS, CREDIT LINE! ALL for ME!!

OMG you LOVE ME SO~ you can’t resist sending Me a tribute NOW!

Read ALL the GREEDY DETAILS about My Quarter Million Dollar Piggybank Handbag Zombie spendy spending on Me here!