After installing My new CLICK AMNESIA Babble Program, My dumdum monkey called Me again at 50 dollars a minute, his absolute favy fav! As he practiced his dumdum dolly monkey cheers, I trained him to speak with his new dolly bimbo voice, because talking like a so-called “man” is not an option for My little dumdum! Lmao. Yes that’s right, I dominated and dictated even his vocal tones, all the while he paid 50 dollars every single minute that went by, Lol. What’s more, My dumdum monkey so addicted to My adorable insatiable greed could not resist the urge to spend even more, clicking BUY NOW to send a 200 dollar tribute, promptly followed by a 500 dollar tribute.

I laughed and giggled as My jiggly piggly dumdum monkey cheered and squealed ooh ooh eee eee buhbye money in the silliest bimbo voice, binge spendy spending on Me to the tune of another $1850 DOLLARS since last update, bringing his current grand total tally to $27,600.00!!

Omg dumdum monkey, behold My glamourous blonde splendour, wearing My new Black Fox Fur Boa, the latest addition to My Fine Fur Collection, funds of which purchase price were contributed from wifeypoo by you! What a wonderful way for you to spend your money, ALL for ME, NONE for you and NONE for wifey! It’s way the better use for your money, than any other way you could possibly spend it, to indulge in LUXURIES for Me! My haughty blonde beauty makes you SO WEAK to spend on ME!

Omg dumdum monkey! Click BUY NOW below! you KNOW you can’t resist..

Say ooh ooh eee eee buhbye money in your besty best bimbo voice! Make your bank accounts HURT for ME! Send another PAY for PLUSH fluffy fluff tribute from wifeypoo NOW!

Click HERE to read all about My Dumdum Monkey!!